About Us
People To People Ministries is an Emergency Needs Ministry and is here to help those in need when there’s no place else to turn.
We were established in 1978 by the Wayne County Ministerial Association, and a few caring community citizens, to help families facing emergencies. On average 1 out of 12 residents of Wayne County, Ohio, could need our services.
People To People Ministries is proud of its fiscal stewardship and greatly appreciates the support of the community as we do not solicit government funds.
As we continue our efforts, we believe that in some small way, we contribute to improving the quality of life for those in need.
Our Mission:
The Board Members of People To People Ministries believe that each person in our society has the need for adequate food, shelter, clothing.
We believe that in any society a number of individuals will experience crisis during their lifetime in which they are unable to obtain adequate food, shelter, clothing.
The purpose of PTPM is to provide an immediate, realistic, and compassionate response to people with these basic needs when these needs are not being met through any other programs.
This program is a non-profit ministry supported through donations from churches, civic organizations, private individuals, and the Wayne County Community Foundation.
“We strive to bring the love of JESUS to our community and serve our fellow residents with dignity and respect, and to help people understand GOD created all of us for a PURPOSE, and encouraging them to overcome the adversities life can sometime bring.”